台弟工業股份有限公司 合格体験記
3級合格者 劉 莉娟 さん
入社半年之後,開始了品質管理的學習。在那之後的半年內,同時取得檢定四級﹑三級的合格,到現在還是覺得很不可思議。在完全沒有接觸過品質概念跟統計手法的狀態下,受到前輩們參加品質管理試驗的推薦,因為是公司的新人,並且是以外國人的身分接受考試,對於工業用語﹑日本特有的詞彙﹑統計手法的計算方式等,有了非常感到擔心的時期。 但因為無論如何都不想放棄,所以非常認真的學習!透過教材跟歷年試題,記住所有的難解﹑計算公式﹑困難的詞彙,並反覆的練習。並且藉由工場內日常業務,那些單憑藉唸書難以理解的概念,都可以在實務經驗上獲得更深一層的了解,並且自然而然的可以實際運用,對於剛入社不久的我來說,這樣子的實務經驗,是在這次考試裡非常重要的優勢。 我是文科領域出身,一直覺得使用統計手法讓數字說話,並且讓大家看見現狀這件,是非常不可思議並且厲害的事情。並且在學習之後,也非常開心可以於日常業務裡面自然而然的活用QC七道具,來分析不良現象的傾向性跟分布。雖然現在還有許多理解度不足﹑難以活用的地方,但是今後希望可以更加努力,來達到將知識在職場上發揮最大的效用!
Half a year after joining the current company, study of quality control has begun. Even now, I can’t believe that I have passed level 3 and level 4 of the quality management and quality control examination (QM/QC Exam) with half a year of studying. I didn’t even know about quality concept and a statistical method, but my colleague recommended me to take QM/QC Exam. Since I am a foreigner and a new face at this company, I was very worried whether I can understand industrial terminologies, special Japanese words, and the way of calculation of a statistical method. But I didn’t want to give up, so I studied strenuously! I solved all stumpers and past issues on the textbook of QM/QC Exam, and at the same time I have memorized arithmetic expressions and difficult words. And I repeated and practiced them. If I had just studied using the textbook, I believe it was more difficult to understand. Practice and experience through daily business at the factory helped me understand those concepts deeply. I think this was the most important experience that I had through taking the examination. I think utilizing the numbers by a statistical method was a very amazing thing! After studying, I was impressed that I can utilize QC seven tools in daily business and I can analyze the tendency of the defeats. I know my understanding is still not enough, and also I have a lot of underutilized things, but I’d like to exert myself in order to utilize them sufficiently at a workplace. And I will keep trying my best!
3級合格者 邱 宜亭 さん
今年四月,前輩們建議說:挑戰一下日本的QC檢定4級、3級吧! 那時,4級長篇文章的品質管理知識和3級最不拿手的計算式等並不是很了解,特別是對我這個外國人來說,日本語程度只有N3,太多不知道的專門單字跟用語不學習不行,我心想:去考QC檢定真的沒問題嗎?因為一整個非常沒有自信,覺得很煩惱。 不過,到九月前跟後輩一起反覆練習以前QC檢定的問題,品質管理的書也一邊念,一邊把困難的地方紀錄下來,學到的品質知識或七個道具在實際上工廠裡也分析許多工程不良的狀況,而且公司的上司跟日本的前輩們,每周也會在品質教育課程中親切的教導我們,慢慢地也越來越有自信。 9月6日為了參加QC檢定4級、3級,從台灣出差到日本,QC檢定前一天,也跟後輩一起到日本圖書館複習。託大家的福,我們QC檢定4級、3級都合格了。實在是非常的開心。也許是因為大量的反覆練習QC檢定的日本語問題,日本語能力測驗N2的檢定也通過了。 挑戰QC檢定的這件事,每天都可以看到自己的成長,學到的品質管理在工作中也可以活用,自己變得比以前更好了。我覺得在品質知識或日本語上都有非常努力的在學習,而且是一個很寶貴的經驗。 對工廠來說,最重要的是提供顧客最高的品質。今後,希望自己學到的事情可以教給後輩們;利用學到的品質管理手法,實際解決工廠的品質問題;不足的品質管理知識也可以繼續學習下去。另外,不只我們工廠而已,也教育其他海外工廠品質管理手法,並給予支援。如果大家有品質向上的意識,學習品質知識的話,工廠的品質不良問題等等也會慢慢減少。
This April, senior members of the company suggested me: How about challenging the level 3 and level 4 of the quality management and quality control examination (QM/QC Exam)! At that time, I was not able to clearly understand the long articles about quality control on the textbook of level 4, and the equations required in level 3. Especially, my Japanese language ability was just level 3 (JLPT N3), so there were a lot of specialized vocabularies and phraseologies that I had to learn. I thought: Is there no problem? I felt so confused because I lacked confidence in myself. But until September, I solved past QM/QC Exam questions again and again with a junior, and not only studied the book of quality control but also wrote down the difficult points in the notebook. I also made use of knowledge of quality control and 7 QC seven tools to analyze the situation of product failure. In addition, my boss and senior members in Japan kindly taught us in-house class studying QM/QC every week, so I felt more confidence in myself than before. For the level 3 and level 4 of QM/QC Exam on 6th September, I went to Japan. On the previous day of examination, I reviewed with a junior in a library in Japan. Thanks to everyone’s support, we passed the level 3 & 4. I really felt so happy and excited. Besides that, I also could pass the JLPT N2. I think it is because I did a lot of Japanese questions for QM/QC Exam. By challenging the examination, I was able to realize my own development every day, and make use of knowledge of quality control in the job. I really tried my best to study quality control and Japanese. It was a valuable experience. For the factory, the most important thing is providing the highest quality products to our customers. I would like to teach juniors about all of my quality knowledge and use quality control methods that I learned and solve the actual quality problems in the factory. I will keep learning about quality knowledge that I don’t know yet. On the other hand, I can give assistance to not only our factory but also the other overseas factories by teaching quality control methods. If everyone has a high sense of quality improvement and learns the quality knowledge, the bad quality issues in factories will get lesser and lesser. (Remark) JLPT: Japanese Language Proficiency Test