Plan for preparation of new and revised JIS

Plan for preparation of new and revised JIS

Plan for preparation of new and revised JIS

The plan for preparation of JIS drafts is on that page . Preparation will be carried out by the Accredited SDOs.

Participation of Foreign Countries in the JIS Drafting Committees Arranged by the Accredited SDOs.

  1. When a request to participate as a member in a JIS drafting committee is made from a foreign country, we will recommend him/her to the committee, if he/she can represent opinion or view of relevant industry of his/her country and contribute to the drafting of the standard.
  2. The followings should be born in mind concerning participation in the JIS drafting committees:
  3. i. A member of the committee must attend the committee meetings in person.
    ii. A member bears the necessary cost to attend the meetings, and there are cases that he/she is requested to share cost, such as cost for conducting an experiment or special study, required for the activities of the committee.
    iii. Working language of the JIS drafting committee is Japanese.

  4. If you want to participate in a JIS drafting committee in attached following list, please contact the following offices together with your personal history which explains your relevance and representativeness.

Inquiry and Contact

Japanese Standards Association
Mita Avanti, 3-11-28 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0073, Japan



